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The RiR lecture series: Dr. Dorothea Schöne

"Art in the Cold War Era. The Monument for the Unknown Political Prisoner".

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  • Dr. Dorothea Schöne.

Welcome to the RiR lecture series: Dr. Dorothea Schöne

"Art in the Cold War Era. The Monument for the Unkown Political Prisoner".

Dr. Dorothea Schöne is participating in our Researcher in Residence program (RiR).

Schöne is a Berlin-based art historian and curator, currently heading Kunsthaus Dahlem as director and CEO. Schöne has been awarded grants for her academic research by the German Academic Exchange Program, the German Historical Institute in Washington D.C., the Ryerson Image Centre in Toronto/ CA, and the Getty Research Institute. 

She has received a curatorial fellowship of the HOW Art Museum in Shanghai in 2018 and in 2021 she received the Hans-and Lea-Grundig award for her art historical research and exhibition on artists defamed and persecuted during the NS-regime.

The lecture will be held in English.

RiR lecture series is generously supported by Jac O Lyngaas og Hustrus Stiftelse.

Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.08
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 1