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The Thor Heyerdahl International day 2022


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    1978: Thor Heyerdahl set fire on Tigris off Djibouti, in protest against the wars ravaging the region. Photo licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

Migration and ethnicity

The Thor Heyerdahl International Day Conference`s aim is to honour the cultural legacy of Thor Heyerdahl and continue to develop his research and ideas, highlighting his involvement in international dialogue, his advocacy for clean oceans and support towards world peace. 

At the same time making the Institute visible as a national forum for global issues.

The Vestfold Museums are proud to announce that the Thor Heyerdahl International Day series has been organized by the Thor Heyerdahl Institute since 2006.

This years conference is presented in collaboration with the Turkish Embassy in Oslo, Augsburg University, Minnesota(USA) and Vestfold and Telemark County Council.

The conference is a part of UNESCO`s World Science Day for peace and development on the 10th of November, arranged all over world and in many countries. Our conference will focus on research disssemination from seven countries, political reflections by a former prime minister of Norway and young Norwegians reflecting on identity related to the global theme of: Migration and Ethnicity.

The conference focuses on the following United Nationals Sustainable Development Goals:

  • 13- Climate Action
  • 10- Reduced Inequalities
  • 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 16- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • 17- Partnership for the goals


10.30 -11.00 Reception at the Turkish Ambassador’s Residence in Oslo. 

    • Coffee and Turkish specialties will be served.

11.00 – 11.30 

    • Welcome by conferencier Bettine Hoff Hermanson, Director of International Student and Scholar Services and Norway Hub, Augsburg University, Minnesota. Unesco World Science Day programme
    • Welcome by Ambassador Fazli Corman, the Turkish Embassy
    • Opening remarks by County Mayor Terje Riis-Johansen, Vestfold & Telemark County Council
    • Opening remarks by Deputy Mayor Rune Høiseth, Larvik Borough
    • Opening remarks by Director Lene Walle, the Vestfold Museums


11.30 – 12.10 

  • Global Perspectives on Migration and Development by Thorbjørn Jagland, former Secretary General of the Council of Europe from 2009-2019, Prime Minister of Norway, Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of Parliament. Board member of non-profit organization The Thor Heyerdahl Institute, 2002-2009

12.10 – 13.00 

  • Stories about migration from seven countries: Why and how collecting and displaying personal stories about Migration and Ethnicity meets the sustainable development goals 10, 11 and 16. A presentation of “Identity on the Line” with customized contributions from the partner institutions in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia and Croatia.

13.00 - 13.50 

  • Lunch break with Turkish specialities
    • Exhibition- Thor Heyerdahl scholarships 2022- a collaboration between Fyrstikkallèn School, the Turkish Embassy and the Thor Heyerdahl Institute

13.50 - 14.10 

  • Red River Girl, West Telemark Museum – Exhibition about migration. Local history in the historical context of immigration from Fyresdal in Telemark to the Buffalo River near Moorhead, Minnesota. Communications Manager, Tilman Hartenstein.

14.10 - 14.15 

  • Thor Heyerdahl Scholarships, annual national competition since 2016. Open to all sixth form colleges (16-19 years). Theme in 2022: Migration and Identity. Developing the cultural legacy of Thor Heyerdahl.

14.15 – 14.25 

  • Thor Heyerdahl scholarship winner presentation​3. place - Nicolay Martell Wold, Kasper Skogøy-Hansen, Helmer Christensen-Myhre
14.25 – 14.35 
  • Thor Heyerdahl scholarship winner presentation
  • 2. place - Karoline Sørhagen og Oda Nesheim

14.35 – 14.45 
  • Thor Heyerdahl scholarship winner presentation
  • 1. place - Valeria Baranchuk

14.45 – 14.55 

  • Closing Reflections, by hosts Ambassador Fazli Corman and his wife, Mrs. F. Gulhan, the Turkish Embassy.

14.55 -15.00
  • The Tigris Expedition
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    The Sustainable Development Goals. Source: FN.

Any questions ? write to beate.bjorge@vestfoldmuseene.no

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2