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Book-signing: Jouni Koponen "Lore of the Hávamál"

  • Fra Midgard vikingsenter og kafeen

Comic creator and illustrator Jouni Koponen will be signing copies of “Lore of the Hávamál”, which will be available for sale.

About the book: 

“Summoned via a globe-spanning creative team, Lore of the Hávamál re-imagines the story of Ragnarök. Join illustrator Jouni Koponen, writers Cat Mihos and Ethan McQuerrey, and colorist Dee Cunniffe on this epic journey through time, and Norse wisdom”.

Price: Included in regular museum ticket.

Welcome to book-signing Saturday, 19th of August, 12pm, in the Café at Midgard Viking Centre!

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2