Finally, Midgardsblot is back, and people from all over the world flock to Borre and its unique historical environment!
This year's festival runs from Wednesday14th of August to Saturday 17th of August. There will be concerts, happenings, workshops, good food and drink and a Viking market.
The seminar Midgard Talks takes place every day with lectures and panels relating to Viking history, culture and music. The festival collaborates with the Midgard Viking Centre.
We set up extra activities on the playground for children and extra guided tours during the festival.
Buy tickets here!
Choose between ticket for one day or for the whole four days. You can also buy tickets for our other events and activities - see information below.
Wednesday August 14th
About the Wednesday program (Midgard Talks)
We set the tone for the festival and start off at 10.00 with exploring heavy music’s use and inspiration of the Viking age.
Next, we dive into the medieval, European witch hunts, that has also been a popular theme in metal music, as week as in films, comics and books. After, we go back in time to meet up with Snorri Sturlusson, ascribed author of some of the most important medieval sources to the Viking age. He visited Vestfold on several times and was involved in a major Icelandic-Norwegian power struggle, that in the end had him killed.
This talk also creates a background for trying out our brand new VR experience, where you can join in on the battle of Iceland where his family, the Sturlungs, were central. The realms of death in Norse mythology is endlessly fascinatin, and in the last talk of the day we travel to death on horseback to find out more.
We wrap up the day exploring how the Viking age is used in popular culture.
The Vestfold museum’s Peter Bøttinger will host a panel with Viking experts and the audience is welcome to join in.
10.00 Beyond Viking metal: Heavy music and the Ancient North. Adam Kelly, Oxford university
11.00 The Era of Early Modern Witch-hunts in Europe. Rune Blix Hagen, University of Tromsø
12.00 Snorri Sturluson and his relationship to Vestfold and Norway. Bjørn Bandlien, University of Southeast Norway
13.00 Travelling to death on horseback. Terje Østigård, Linnaeus University
14.00 Panel: The Viking age in popular culture: “fake” history? Peter Bøttinger (moderator, Vestfoldmuseene) Stefan Nyzell, Adam Kelly, Fredrik Bjønnes
- 1/4
Adam Kelly - 2/4
Rune Blix Hagen - 3/4
Bjørn Bandlien - 4/4
Terje Østigård
About the Wednesday speakers
Adam Kelly
Adam Kelly is a doctoral researcher at the University of Oxford, where he works on the benefits of melancholy in the Middle Ages. He specialises in Old and Middle English literature. He’s been obsessed with heavy music for as long as he can remember.
Rune Blix Hagen
Rune Blix Hagen is a specialist in witchcraft and has published several books on the topic. He was also central in the anarchist movement in Northern Norway in the 70s, and has an interview with the one and only Lemmy on his CV.
Bjørn Bandlien
Bjørn Bandlien is the local, award-winning history professor down the road from Midgard Viking Centre. Immensely productive, he has published a long list of books on a wide variety of themes like gender and masculinity, identity, kings and queens, love and marriage.
Terje Østigård
Terje Østigård has been intrigued with the theme of death in general in his career, and more specifically cremation. In recent years, he has been focusing on how water and frozen winter landscapes have been defining northern societies. As an archaeologist he has work all over the world, Egypt, Nepal, Palestine, Tanzania, Norway and more.
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen
He has lived in several countries in Europe, Africa, North- and South America. He works to revitalize animist knowledge and practice to recover land-connectedness, ecological knowledge and kinship with a greater community of beings.