Hopp til hovedinnhold

Oslofjord Viking trail

Traveling along the Oslofjord Viking Trail, you will experience the Viking age in a unique way!

The Historical Museum in Oslo

At the Historical Museum in Oslo, you can see the most exquisite jewelry, gold treasures and weapons from the Viking Age.  Become acquainted with Viking war culture and their journeys, and how society changed during the Viking era.


The Historical Museum
Fredriks gate 2, 0148 Oslo


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    Viking helmet at the Historical Museum.

Museum of the Viking Age in Oslo

The Viking Ship Museum is closed for rebuilding and will reopen as the Museum of the Viking Age in 2026. It will exhibit more than 8000 objects from the Viking Age, including the three best preserved Viking Ships in the world!

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    Illustration of the new museum of the Viking Age.

Midgard Viking Centre at Borre

Experience the world of the Vikings!

Situated close to the monumental burial mounds at Borre, you can explore our exhibitions and the impressive feast hall.


Birkelyveien 9, 3184 Borre

Traveling without a car? Take the train to Skoppum and then bus no. 70 to Kirkebakken, Sandveien.

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    Vikings in battle at Midgard. Photo: Jørgen Steen.

The Slottsfjell museum in Tønsberg

See the Klåstad ship! The merchant vessel from 1000 CE is currently Norway’s only exhibited viking ship.The museum itself lies next to the ruins of Tunsberghus, Norways largest castle during the Middle Ages.


Farmannsveien 30, 3111 Tønsberg. 

Traveling without a car? Take the train to Tønsberg, the museum is a short walk from the station.

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    The Princess Kristina at The Slottsfjell museum.

A Viking Shipyard in Tønsberg

Watch or even lend a hand at building a Viking Ship! Tønsberg hosts Norway´s only permanent Viking Shipyard, building and operating archaeological replicas of known Viking ships and boats.

The mysterious Oseberg mound is located only 4 miles outside town.

Ollebukta 3, 3126 Tønsberg

  • Saga Oseberg.
    Saga Oseberg.

Vikings at work in Sandefjord

The large Viking Age building at Sandefjord´s waterfront is a centre for contemporary handicrafts, using Viking tools and techniques.

At nearby Gokstad you can explore the impressive grave mound where the Gokstad ship was excavated in 1880.

Hesteskoen, 3208 Sandefjord

The Viking Planet in Oslo

Located by Oslo City Hall, The Viking Planet uses the technological tools and entertainment devices of tomorrow. Become immersed in the Viking Age through interactive screens, holograms, 3D-models, 270° cinema, Virtual Reality experiences, and more!


The Viking Planet
Fridtjof Nansens plass 4
0160 Oslo

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Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
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