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MSc Cultural Heritage Studies

Instituttet har designet en flerfaglig mastergrad, MSc Cultural Heritage Studies, i samarbeid med Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU). Studenter fra hele verden har deltatt på studiet som har vært gjennomført ved GCU. Graden søkes nå overført til et studiested i Norge.

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En stipendordning for studenter er bevilget, etter søknad fra instituttet, fra Telemark og Vestfold fylkeskommune. Stipend er delt ut til mastergradsstudenter fra Norge til studiet i Skottland. Mastergraden er satt sammen av fagområdene miljøvern, arkeologi, kulturarv, turisme, ledelse, bærekraftig utvikling, samspillet mellom FoU, offentlige og private aktører. Den er etablert med betydelige midler fra EU og er ifølge GCU unik i Europa. Et eget flerfaglig team/Heritage Futures Team har vært ansvarlige for den faglige plattformen og har vært knyttet opp som lærekrefter for studiet.

MSc Cultural Heritage Studies er en tverrfaglig mastergrad som har vært med på å fremme internasjonalt utdanningssamarbeid mellom Norge og Skottland. Tilbakemeldinger fra de norske studentene som er uteksaminert fra studiet er positive. De har alle fått relevante jobber i Norge i etterkant av studiet. Instituttet er ikke kjent med at det finnes en tilsvarende mastergrad i Norge.

John Lennon, the Moffat Professor og Director of the Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism Business Development

John is the Moffat Professor and Director of the Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism Business Development. It is the UK's largest University based tourism consultancy and research centre. It is located in Glasgow Caledonian University and was initially endowed by the Moffat family (AT Mays Travel Agency).

The Moffat Centre is responsible for the production of international consumer and market research and business development consultancy and with its profits it funds scholarships for students wishing to study Travel and Tourism (for further details see www.moffatcentre.com).

Since 1999 over £700,000 worth of scholarships have been awarded.

John has undertaken over 400 tourism and travel projects in over 35 nations. Currently, the Centre is working in Norway, Malawi, Canada, Lithuania, Ireland, England and Wales. In recent years projects in Fiji, the USA, Egypt, Nepal, Romania, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Singapore and Russia have been undertaken .. John is the author of seven books and over 100 articles and numerous reports on the travel and tourism industry.

John is a Specialist Policy Advisor to the National Tourism Organisation;

VisitScotland, and is a Board Member of the Canadian Tourism Commission European Marketing Group, Historic Scotland, the Scottish Tourism Forum, and was appointed by the Scottish First Minister to the statutory Monitoring Committee of Strathclyde European Partnership.

John is currently the Principal Advisor to all Party Committee of the Scottish Parliament undertaking the Tourism Inquiry.

The Moffat Centre is proud of its association with the travel industry and welcomes applications from students/ potential students interested in a career in travel and tourism.
For details see www.moffatcentre.com.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2